Cooling Tower Gearbox Repairs
Cooling tower gearbox repairs /rebuilds may serve as a quality, cost effective, and time sensitive alternative to buying a
brand new gearbox.Sequana Cooling Tower can provide cooling tower gearbox repairs for virtually all gearbox brands. Our repair services range from inspections and bearing replacements, to complete gearbox overhauls.
Our work process is very simple. Once in our shops, we dismantle and inspect your cooling tower gearbox to determine what is needed to get your existing gearbox operationally sound. Each gearbox is examined closely for failures such as pitting, overload, misalignment and fatigue. After agreeing with the client on the unit's scope of damage found in the inspection and the necessary remedies, we execute the actual cooling tower gearbox repairs. Finally, we send the cooling tower gearbox back to the job site.